Publicaciones de janice bamos (1)

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Body doors to enter the Germans issues

The exercise and make the pectorals do as much of the work as possible the basic isolation exercise for chests going to be a flight type of movement now fly type movement is going to bring the arm across the body in or basically it's going to be working with one joint the shoulder joint is going to be rotating it's important on flight type: movements to keep arms slightly bent and locked in position and basically the arm is going to be moving and are allowing for stretch the contraction points going to be bringing the wait up to the top and squeezing the pectoral muscle call a mistake that a lot about it was flying time exercise trying to go to heavy applies for the most part are generally and isolation exercise not really a mass building exercise fact I've seen a lot of world champion body doors to enter the Germans issues like a twenty five or thirty pound dumbbell and really isolate from us for more helpful the muscle effectively one of the things that can happen when you do I'll fly too happy is you can strain for care ape insertion for bicep muscles you want to be really careful isolates the muscle and really work out few you’re the best way to describe a pectoral fly movement is as a big hug you're all the way over head palms facing inward you bend your arms slightly and then tyro keep your elbows at about the same angle throughout the exercise you don't want allot of bending and straightening up the arm which.

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